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Many types of cancers are a preventable or possibly can be treated completely to curative range if diagnosed in early stages. Preventive oncology aims at preventing occurrence of cancer itself or diagnosing it at earliest stage so as to treat immediately and effectively.

Cancer Cervix – Colposcopy, HPV testing and Pap Smear

cancers can be detected as precursor lesions or subtle to significant changes in the cells of organ before the obvious cancer disease occurrence or progression. Such abnormal cells may be the first signs of cancer that develops years later. Cancer cervix is one such easily detectable in its pre-cancerous stage by PAP SMEAR.
Precision of diagnosis improves if cervix and vagina inspected by colposcope which provides highly magnified view to detect any precancer spots if exists.
HPV testing evaluates infection by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which is most important reason for cancer cervix

Breast cancer screening means checking a woman’s breasts for cancer before there are signs or symptoms of the disease
Although breast cancer screening cannot prevent breast cancer, it can help find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat.
Breast self awareness, clinical breast examination, Mammography and MRI breast are important screening methods to have timely diagnosis
Breast self awareness -Being familiar with how your breasts look and feel can help you notice symptoms such as lumps, pain, or changes in size that may be of concern. These could include changes found during a breast self-exam. You should report any changes that you notice to your doctor or health care provider.
Your doctor can guide about clinical breast examination, mammography and MRI breast

Endometrial cancer

The inner lining of uterus which is called endometrium
endometrial cancer detection needs following tests
1.Pelvic exam by Your Gynaecologist
2. Ultrasonography- Your doctor may recommend a transvaginal ultrasound to look at the thickness and texture of the endometrium. This test helps to detect for abnormalities in your uterine lining.
3. Office Endometrial Biopsy can be done in your doctor’s office and usually doesn’t require anesthesia. sample of tissue obtained and is examined under microscope for existence of cancer cells if any
4. Hysteroscopic Guided Biopsy
If enough tissue can’t be obtained during a office biopsy or if the biopsy results are unclear, then dilation and curettage (D&C) Hysteroscopy is inspecting uterine cavity by endoscope and find precise location of cancer to obtain specific tissue for examining.

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